
I directed this series of short spots for Vigor – a dairy products company – back in 2014 while working at Santa Transmedia. It featured some popular Brazilian foods cheering over getting topped with requeijão (some sort of Brazilian cream cheese).
The agency already had the overall idea locked down when they approached us, so the goal here was to execute it with excellence over the aspects I did had control – like visuals and acting – within the limited budget and timeframe we had.

It was a great opportunity to finally work with some CGI artists I admired from a distance, like Vitorugo and Wesley Schneider and overcome our team size limitations by using the top talent we had in-house at the time, with Eric Pautz handling the Art Direction, Rafael Z. Chies doing all of the shading and lighting work and Maurício de Oliveira in charge of compositing and grading.

I was also lucky to stumble upon a couple of freelance animators I didn’t know back then – the mighty Paulo Lombardi and Diego de Paula – who ended up doing a terrific animation work, which is certainly the cornerstone of this whole thing.

Head over to Eric's project page to more in-depth imagery of the visual exploration phase and to Maurício's website for a cool breakdown on the compositing process.

Character and concept art development by Eric Pautz

Full credits:
Production Company: Santa Transmedia Productions
Agency: RIOT
Direction: Thiago Steka
Art Direction: Eric Pautz
CGI Supervisor: Rafael Z. Chies
Project Manager: Marcos Berghahn
Storyboard: Filipe Capra
Character Modeling/Texturing: Victor Hugo Queiroz
Environment Modeling/Texturing: Rafael Chies, Gustavo Encinas Magalhães, Ricardo Drehmer
Rigging: Wesley Schneider
Animation: Paulo Lombardi (Goiabada), Diego de Paula (Pão de queijo, Pão integral, Waffle)
Composition: Maurício De Oliveira
Lighting / Shading: Rafael Z. Chies
Render Setup: Rafael Z. Chies, Gustavo Encinas Magalhães